GrowersHouse Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - NemaShield HB - Beneficial Nematodes - Control White Grubs, Cutworms, Root Weevils, Leatherjackets / European Crane Fly
GrowersHouse Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - NemaShield HB - Beneficial Nematodes - Control White Grubs, Cutworms, Root Weevils, Leatherjackets / European Crane Fly
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Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - NemaShield HB
Best known for their ability to control:
White Grubs
- Japanese Beetle
- Northern Masked Chafer
- May/June Beetles
- Southern Masked Chafer
- Black Cutworm
- Bronzed Cutworm
- Variegated Cutworm
Root Weevils
- Black Vine Weevil
- Strawberry Root Weevil
- Citrus Root Weevil
Leatherjackets / European Crane Fly
NemaShield HB is a biological control targeted to fight specific pests. The beneficial nematodes attack, disrupt and kill harmful insect larvae in the potting media within 24-48 hours – preventing damage to plants and helping fight off disease by re-establishing a strong and vigorous root system. It is compatible with all other beneficial organisms, including RootShield PLUS+ G and WP, making it an excellent tool in your integrated pest management program
Application Rate Recommendations for Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - NemaShield HB:
- Preventative to Low Infestation: 50 million package of nematodes treats up to 2,000 sq. ft. (500 million package size also available).
- Low to Moderate Infestation: 100 million to 1 billion nematodes per acre (2.5 billion nematodes per hectare)
- Moderate to Heavy Infestation: 250 million to 2 billion nematodes per acre (6.25 billion nematodes per hectare)
- Scout for early detection.
- Adequate soil moisture must be present and maintained for 2 weeks to aid nematode mobility.
- Soil temperature of 50-80ºF (74ºF optimum) is necessary for nematode activity.
- DO NOT FREEZE. Unopened products are to be refrigerated and used prior to the expiration date on the container. The expiration date on the box is month/day/year format (mm/dd/yy).
- To avoid blockages, all screens should be removed and the spray nozzle opening should be at least 1mm (1,000 microns).
- The maximum sprayer pressure is 150 psi.
- Nematodes are very sensitive to UV light. DO NOT apply in direct sunlight; apply on a cloudy day or late in the afternoon.
How-To Use Heterorhabditis bacteriophora - NemaShield HB For Best Results:
- Prepare and apply out of direct sunlight.
- Empty the contents of the package into a bucket containing about 1 gallon of cool (60º-75ºF) water, then stir.
- Let the entire solution soak for 5 minutes. Stir again thoroughly, then transfer the contents into the spray tank and fill to the desired level.
- To avoid blockages, all screens should be removed and the spray nozzle opening should be at least 1 mm (1,000 microns).
- The maximum sprayer pressure is 150 psi.
- Continuous agitation is necessary to prevent the nematodes from settling out.
- Evenly spread the solution over the ground area to be treated.
- Moderately water-in after application to move the nematodes off the foliage and into the ground. Avoid washing the nematodes through the soil.
- Keep the soil moist (not saturated) for the following 2 weeks.
- Apply NemaShield HB as soon as possible after receipt.
- Store NemaShield HB in a refrigerator at 36-40°F (2-4°C) until use.
- Do not freeze NemaShield HB.
- Apply NemaShield HB with sufficient water to ensure uniform coverage of the soil or potting media.
- Irrigate before and after application to move NemaShield HB into the soil or potting media.
- Maintain adequate soil moisture for at least two weeks after application.
- Avoid applying NemaShield HB during the heat of the day or when soil temperatures exceed 90°F (32°C).
- Do not apply NemaShield HB to dry soils or potting media.
- Do not apply NemaShield HB through chemigation systems.
- Not compatible with many organophosphates or carbamates.
Features & Benefits:
Control root-feeding grubs and larvae with an application of NemaShield HB. The beneficial nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, will actively seek out the grubs and larvae to infect them. Feeding subsides and the host will die within a few days.
- Exempt from EPA regulations; 0-hour REI
- Fast, effective biological control
- Easy and user-friendly to apply
- Insects stop feeding and die within 24-48 hours
- Ensures your greenhouse crops have the most vigorous root system possible
- Nematodes release bacteria inside the insect host that causes septicemia and death
- Beneficial bacteria multiply rapidly inside the insect host converting tissues into food for nematodes
- The next generation of nematodes leaves the insect host to actively seek new hosts
Mode of Action:
- The nematodes in NemaShield HB actively search for insect larvae and enter through natural openings.
- As the nematodes feed on the host body, they excrete a specific bacteria, that is toxic to larvae.
- The bacteria multiply very rapidly and convert the host tissue into products that the nematodes use as a food source.
- Larvae die within a few days, the host turns orange-red to red-brown.
- The next generation of nematodes leave the old host and actively seek out new ones.
Available Sizes: 50 Million and 500 Million Count Packets
Registered for Use In: USA
Item Numbers:
1N33B43 - 50 Million
1N33B28 - 500 Million
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Because we ship live insects and want them to arrive to you as freshly as possible, we only ship Monday through Wednesday. This means your shipment will arrive Tuesday through Thursday, possibly Friday if there are any unforeseen delays such as bad weather. Since FedEx does not ship over the weekend, we do not want insects to sit in a fulfillment center where they have a greater chance of not arriving to your garden fresh-as-can-be.
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